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In Sri Lanka, the number of phones outnumbers the population, according to a CB report

It is revealed that three crore thirteen hundred eighty two thousand (31,382,000) telephones are used by people in Sri Lanka, including mobile phones.

The population of this country is approximately two million twenty one hundred eighty one thousand.
According to the 2022 annual report released by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the number of landline phones used by one hundred (100) people in the country is 12. It is approximately twenty six lakh fifty two thousand (2,652,000) in total.

Including mobile phones, the number of phones used by 100 people is 142.

Internet density is 97.7 per hundred people.

According to the Digital Quality Life index last year (2022), Sri Lanka has been ranked 89th out of 117 countries, according to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka.

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