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An audit reveals that North Central Province Tourism Promotion funds were misused! Cost a fortune and is yet incomplete

According to the Auditor General’s final audit report for the fiscal year 2021, a sum of one crore twenty-one hundred forty-four thousand five hundred rupees was paid to a private company in Colombo to print a documentary video programme and a book with technical standards for the promotion of tourism in the North Central Province, but the work has not yet been completed.
On March 23, 2016, the provincial chief secretary signed a contract with a private supplier for one crore fifty seven hundred thousand five hundred rupees to print a book with this video programme and attractive pictures.

According to the Auditor General’s report, the Provincial Council paid this private company one million twenty-one hundred forty-four thousand five hundred rupees on December 26, 2016 with no guarantee.

Despite the fact that the provincial council has paid a substantial sum to this private company, the company has yet to deliver the relevant video and book as stated in the agreement.

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