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Our media not seeing positive aspects: PM

Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe has charged that the local media does not give publicity to positive stories but give space for negative ones.

Prime Minister Wickremesinghe expressed these sentiments at a
function held in Nikaweratiya on Sunday.

“The media does not give publicity to positive stories or on those who have succeeded in life. If someone weeps in public or if he or she criticizes the government they are given wide publicity. I’ll bet the media will not give at least a little publicity about the development work which we have launched today. At the same time I know that no one will come for a bet with me,” the Prime Minister said.

"Maybe the media is jealous about those who have succeeded in life," he said.

He then questioned as to whether the media likes the old way. “The media only talks about the previous era; the era in which media men kidnapped?” he questioned. "The media can't survive unless they attack the government," he added. (Ravindra Prabath Nettasinghe)


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