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SL Army peacekeeping mission held up due to delay in clearance by HRCSL

The deployment of another contingent of military personnel for UN peace keeping mission has been held up due to the delay in giving clearance for them by Sri Lanka Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka HRCSL, it is learnt.

Previously, such clearance for troops bound for UN missions were
done by the UN Human Rights authorities in Geneva. However, the UN Department of Peace Keeping Operations (DPKO) said that such clearance should be taken from the HRCSL from this year onward.

The new set of rules was introduced in March this year.

However, the HRCSL is yet to clear these personnel making it unable for Sri Lanka Army to send a contingent of 101 UN peace keeping duties in Lebanon.

Sri Lanka has been a Troop Contributing Country to the UN since 1994. Around 400-500 soldiers are involved in such work in different countries such as South Sudan, Mali, Central African Republic and Western Sahara. (Kelum Bandara)


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