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Aloysius had given liquor dealership to some MPs: Ranjan

Perpetual Treasuries Chief Arjun Aloysius has given liquor sales dealerships from Mendis Ltd to several MPs at a discount, Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake alleged yesterday.

Mr. Ramanayake told Daily Mirror that Aloysius had given dealership at a discounted rate of Rs 3 million per annum to the
MPs whereas the usual price of the dealership had been Rs 6 million. “Some who had received liquor sales dealerships are government MPs,” he said.

He also said some government MPs have cancelled dealings which they were about to get into at the last moment after hearing that Aloysius was going to be arrested.

Mr. Ramanayake added that one prominent MP from the Opposition had got Aloysius to finance parties through which he had entertained his friends.

“I feel that the punishment given to politicians and clergy for theft should be doubled,” he also said. (Yohan Perera)


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