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Lalith – Anusha case new reports: Mahinda to pay the 50 million

Former Presidential Secretary Lalith Weeratunga and former Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) Anusha Palpita have been found guilty by the Colombo High Court in the ‘Sil Cloth’ case, is recorded as the first completed case against the corruptions of the previous regime.

This is also the first case where the Anti Corruption Bureau and the
FCID had completed their investigations and filed a case.

It is also the first time in history that a Presidential Secretary had been found guilty of a crime.

The Attorney General had filed indictments against the two accused on three counts of committing a criminal misappropriation funds, in contravention of the Telecommunication Act, No. 25 of 1991 Act.

Fifty million from Mahinda

Meanwhile it is reported that the Rs.50 million they were ordered to pay to the TRC as compensation will be paid by the former President Mahinda Rajapaksa.


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