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"No LG Polls This Year": Mahinda Deshapriya Says Commission Ready To Hold Election in January, 2018

Elections Commission Chairman Mahinda Deshapriya said yesterday he was certain that the Local Government election could not be held this year.

"It is certain that the LG polls cannot be held in December, There is only one Saturday which is suitable for the election but the Examinations Commissioner has reserved the date. So, it can only
be held in January," the Commissioner said, addressing a press conference in Colombo yesterday.

"We, the commission, are discussing as to how we can hold the election without causing further delays. There are three Saturdays in January -  the 6th, the 20th and the 27th - that seem suitable to hold the election. We cannot consider January 13 as 'Thaipongal' falls on January 14." he explained, adding that the commission would make the final announcement soon.

"The Commission is ready to hold the election as early as possible. But, political parties need time for preparation and to select suitable candidates," Dehsapriya added.


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