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2,599 police officers promoted

IGP Pujith Jayasundara had promoted 2,599 police officers with effect from May 31, 2016.

Police Spokesman SP Ruwan Gunasekara told Daily Mirror that it was for the first time in the recent past that a large number of officers were promoted at one occasion.

According to the decision, 2,075 Police Constables (PC) had been
promoted to the rank of Sergeant, 189 Sergeants to the rank of Sub Inspector (SI) and 34 Women Sergeants to the rank of Sub inspector.

Meanwhile, 292 Police Constable Drivers (PCD) had been promoted to the rank of Sergeant Driver while nine Sergeant Drivers had been promoted to the rank of Transport Sub Inspector.

Earlier this week, 177 Special Task Force (STF) officers were also promoted. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)


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