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Shiranthi due at CID today

Former first lady Shiranthi Rajapaksa is due to appear before the CID today (15) to give a statement in connection with investigations into the murder of rugger player Wasim Thajudeen.

Investigations have revealed the killers had used a Defender jeep belonging to her bodyguards.

That jeep had been given her ‘Siriliya Foundation’ by the Red
Cross as a tsunami donation, and has not been registered in the Department of Motor Traffic.

The white-coloured Defender had been repainted black after Thajudeen’s murder.

Shiranthi’s second son Yoshitha too, has been summoned to the CID tomorrow to be questioned over the same case.

A senior police official told Sri Lanka Mirror that if Shiranthi failed to turn up at the CID today, a court order would be obtained against her.


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