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Avant Garde to conduct repatriation via sea route

Avant Garde Maritime Services Limited has volunteered to repatriate upto 10,000 Sri Lankan migrant workers currently stranded in the Middle East.

Although the Sri Lankan government is only able to repatriate 5,000 persons during a month, the sea route enables it to increase this figure by threefold.

The company says that it will cost one passenger around 3,600 Dirham (nearly LKR 18,000), which is considerably lower than spending for airfare.

Avant Garde plan entails the usage of passenger/cruise vessels that are currently berthed at the Jabal Ali port. Sri Lankan migrant workers awaiting repatriation could be accommodated in these vessels and their mandatory 14 day quarantine period is to be carried out within the vessel.

These vessels are to leave the Port for Sri Lanka once the 14 day quarantine period concludes.

When speaking to the Chairman of Avant Garde Group, Nissanka Senadhipathi said that he has held several rounds of discussions about this programme with Sri Lanka's Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and rates were talked out with 04 ships.

The objective of this mission is to safely repatriate all Sri Lankans stranded overseas, he added.

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