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See where you stand before preaching to others, Sajith tells MR

Sajith Premadasa, the leader of the Samagi Jana Balavegaya slammed Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapaksa for standing-by Karuna Amman and failing to reward injured war heroes.

Premadasa said the Prime Minister is Karuna Amman’s head body-guard adding it was Rajapaksa who appointed the Ex-LTTE commander as Deputy Minister and Deputy Chairman of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

“Mahinda Rajapaksa is white-washing Karuna and making allegations against my father,” said Sajith Premadasa.

He said the person who bribed the LTTE ahead of the 2005 Presidential election is making various unfounded allegations.

“Before you preach to others, first ensure you have the proper qualities”, said Sajith Premadasa quoting the Dhamma Padha.

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