UNP would request Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to look into whether UPFA MPs, who obtained membership of the SLPP could remain in Parliament as per the Constitution, UNP MP Mayantha
Dissanayake told a media briefing.
He said that his party would ask the Speaker to look into the matter.
“An MP who leaves a party and joins another loses his seat as per the 19th Amendment to the Constitution,” he said.
“Constitution provides provisions for an MP to seek redress from the Supreme Court within one month of his defection. This time has lapsed now, and we will ask the Speaker to look into this matter and make a statement,” he said.
More than 50 UPFA MPs including Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa obtained membership of the SLPP recently. (Yohan Perera)
UNP wants Speaker ruling on MPs joined SLPP
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