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Fuel prices increased from last night: Finance Ministry

The Retail Prices of Fuel have been revised with effect from midnight today based on the Fuel pricing formula, the Finance Ministry said.

Accordingly, the prices of fuel were increased as follows:

Petrol (Octane 92) per litre will be increased by Rs.4 and the revised price is Rs.149, Petrol (Octane 95) will be sold at Rs.161 an
increase of Rs.4 per litre. One litre of Auto Diesel was increased by Rs.5 and the revised price is Rs.123 and One litre of Super Diesel will be increased by Rs.3 and the revised price is Rs.133, however, the price of Lanka Kerosene will remain as Rs. 70 per litre.

The fuel price is was based on the pricing formula that was introduced to come into effect on the 10th of every month based on global market prices

A special committee headed by the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury and representatives of the President, Prime Minister, Ministry of Petroleum Resources, Ministry of Public Enterprises and Fiscal Policy Department has been entrusted with this task.

The latest fuel price revision came into effect from September 3. (Chaturanga Samarawickrama


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