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Ranjith Ariyaratne new Post Master General

Polonnaruwa District Secretary Ranjith Ariyaratne has been appointed as the Post Master General (PMG).

Speaking to the Daily Mirror, Minister of Posts, Postal Service M. H. A. Haleem said the Cabinet approval had been sought two weeks
before the appointment was made.

He said the Cabinet had to direct the request to the Cabinet Sub-Committee on Establishment Matters headed by Dr Sarath Amunugama and the approval was received today.

Mr Ariyaratne had held the Deputy Post Master General position in the Northwestern and the Central Provinces earlier.

He had stepped down from his portfolio as the Polonnaruwa District Secretary yesterday and is yet to assume duties in the new position.

The PMG position was vacant since July 10 following former Post Master General Rohana Abeyratne was transferred to the Presidential Secretariat. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)


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