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We're trying to resolve matters with SriLankan: Arjuna

Petroleum Minister Arjuna Ranatunga said today his office was trying to make every possible effort to sort out the issue with SriLankan rather than stopping the supply of aviation fuel on credit.

The minister said this to the media after attending an event at the
Dadagamuwa Rajamaha Vihare in Veyangoda.

He said SriLankan airlines owed a huge amount of money to the Ceylon Petroleum Corporation (CPC).

"At the discussions, we held with SriLankan it agreed to pay the outstanding bills. But, failed to do so. If the discussions with the ministries and the secretaries also fail, I, as a subject minister, will have to discuss this matter with the Minister of Transport and Civil Aviation. If that too fails, we will have to refer the matter to the Cabinet and take a decision. We have to save SriLanka airline because it is a government institution. On previous occasions that have been court cases between State institutions. The President and the Prime Minister have instructed us to solve these matters through discussions. If we stop issuing fuel to SriLankan, it will be a big problem,” the minister said


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