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Section C350 of Bond report made public

Section C350 of the Bond Commission report, containing call records of COPE members and Finance Minster, has been made public, stated the Department of National Archives.

Meanwhile, the Center for Human Rights (CHR) in Sri Lanka has
also made a statement regarding this.

CHR say that they were informed by the Presidential Secretariat that the C350 section of the Bond Commission was released after 7 months of request and that anyone interested could buy it from the National Archives Department.

The scan of the 127-page document could be obtained at price of about Rs 12, 875 and a CD format of it will be available at Rs 5255, informs CHR.

In the statement released by the Media Unit of CHR, they state that they are asking for the complete Bond report, not just the 127 pages of the C350.

They have further said that CHR will continue to obtain the complete Bond Commission report.


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