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Ruwan vehemently condemns Vijayakala’s statement

Responding to a remark by State Minister Vijayakala Maheshwaran stating that LTTE organization should return to govern the North, State Minister of Defense Ruwan Wijewardene, making a special statement, said that he abhors her view on the matter and vehemently opposes it.

The State Minister pointed out that by stating that the LTTE should return to provide security
to the children in the North, Ms. Maheshwaran had displayed her ignorance and it is also amusing that she had forgotten in such a short time how this ruthless organisation, who enlisted the children of people in the North and East to fight as child soldiers while also turning out suicide bombers while committing many more atrocities, killed her own husband among several other Tamil politicians.

He pointed out that for three decades the people of the North and East as well as other parts of the island were targeted by this terror outfit and vouched that the present government and the Tri-forces and other forces would not leave room for the LTTE to raise its head ever again in the North and East and elsewhere.

State Minister Ruwan Wijewardene reiterated that as a people's representative Ms. Maheshwaran should know better than to make such an irresponsible statement which could be construed as one threatening the security interests of Sri Lanka and that it could warrant legal action.


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