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Cabinet approval required to relocate Ministry of Agriculture

Relocating the Ministry of Agriculture back to its previous location at the Govijana Mandiraya in Battaramulla requires the cabinet approval, says the sources from Ministry of Agriculture.

Ministry of Agriculture is currently housed in Rajagiriya, and it is reported that the Ministry
has to bear an immense cost for the maintenance of its building.

Since 2016, the building currently occupied by the Ministry has been under a lease agreement for 5 years.

The government has provided Rs 504 million to cover the first three years of the lease. However, it is reported that according to the lease agreement, the rental tax will be increased by 15% for the next two years.
The audit reports mention that the complete amount slated to be paid to the building within the 5 years is over Rs 960 million.

The Minister of Agriculture Mahinda Amaraweera stated that it is redundant to house the Ministry of Agriculture in such a luxurious building.

Accordingly, the Minister had requested the Speaker Karu Jayasuriya to approve the relocation of the ministerial building to its previous location in Battaramulla.

However, it is reported that the Speaker cannot take a decision regarding the request on his own.


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