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Sinhala Ravaya alleges conspiracy against Gnanasara Thero

The General Secretary of the Sinhala Ravaya  organisation Ven.  Magalkande Sudatta Thero accuses the Attorney General’s Department for evading the case of Ven. Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara Thero, General Secretary of the Bodu Bala Sena (BBS) organisation.

The bail application filed on behalf of Gnanasara Thero was to be
called before the Homagama Magistrate Court today (19). However, the issuance of the bail decision has been postponed due to the absence of an officer from the Attorney General’s Department.

Sudatta Thero further stated that they suspected of a continuing conspiracy related to the case of Gnanasara Thero and accused NGOs and foreign conspirators for their attempts to keep Gnanasara Thero imprisoned.

He stated that their struggle will continue until the current “Bhikku hunt” is halted.   He also emphasized that a separate court system (Sanghadhikarana) to deal with cases pertaining to Buddhist monks is essential.


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