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Group of 16 is not with us yet – Dilum Amunugama

There is no conflict within the Joint Opposition, claimed Joint Opposition MP Dilum Amunugama, at a press conference today (21).

According to him, a certain minister has stated that a disappeared journalist was murdered, yet everyone else only knows him to only have disappeared. Therefore, the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) should
immediately interrogate the said minister, says the MP Amunugama.

Although the group has left the government and is working with the JO, they still accept the leadership of the current President and the group of 16 still hasn’t joined us, stated the MP.

SLPP is a victorious party, thus any ruined party is able to join and work with us, he added.

Meanwhile, MP Vijitha Berugoda, joining the conference, stated that the President and the Prime Minister are currently taking two separate roads.


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