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Extend my term of office till next polls: Wigneswaran

Northern Province Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran said tyesterday he had no objection to the postponement of the elections to his provincial council provided that his term of office was extended up to the point of the next polls.

Mr. Wigneswaran told Daily Mirror he would be opposed to placing
the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) under the purview of the Governor in the event the elections were postponed.

He said if the council was placed in the hands of the Governor as in the East, there was no use of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution.

"Then, there is no devolution. The Central Government will do everything," he said.

Asked whether he would form a new political party, he said, “Somebody has said that I won’t be given nomination next time. Lots of people are asking me to stay. First, there is the chance of the party giving me nomination. Or else, I have to join another party and contest. Otherwise, I have to start up my own party. I have not made up mind yet. Nothing is definite. I do not personally want to start something. But, if am forced to, I would," he said.

The term of the NPC will expire in October. (Kelum Bandara)


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