Irrigation, Water Management and Disaster Management State Minister Palitha Range Bandara said yesterday that the Anamaduwa Technical College was built using the Rs.38 million allocated for the purpose by the State, after he drew his pistol.
The minister made these remarks addressing a function to mark the
launch of the Deduru Oya-Sengal Oya project that was held in the Deduru Oya embankment in Pallegama - Anamaduwa.
The State Minister said a bund needed to be constructed across the Deduru-Oya to enable the water to flow via the Sengal Oya into eight tanks in the Arachchikattuwa area.
The government had allocated Rs.350 million for the project which would see more than 2, 000 acres of land being cultivated. Many projects including the Ussana Irrigation project are being implemented.
Range Bandara said that he was voted in by the common masses and therefore he would never hesitate to do things that would benefit the people of the area.
"When I tried to get an Ocean University built in the Puttalam District, the minister who was in charge of the relevant ministry opposed the decision. When I attempted to start a technical college here the vital documents were hidden. This forced me to draw the pistol from my waist because I knew that only by acting in this manner could I get things done.The Technical College was now about to become a reality," he said.
MP Nalin Bandara, speaking on this occasion, said that the development work undertaken by the present government has not been conveyed to the public.
"The President and the Prime Minister are too good. Therefore, the country needs people who could draw their pistols and get things done," he said. (Jude Samantha)
I had to pull out pistol to get things done: Range Bandara
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