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Stripping civic rights: UNP says it's for Court to decide

UNP MP S.M. Marikkar said yesterday the order to strip politicians of their civic rights should be decided by court and not by the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) or any other party for that matter.

He told a news conference that political parties should not involve themselves in legal matters and highlighted the fact that the good
governance government had upheld the independence of the judiciary.

Commenting on a statement made by State Minister Dilan Perera that the SLFP would not leave room for the stripping of former president Mahinda Rajapaksa's civic rights, Mr. Marikkar said stripping a person of his civic rights did not depend on the state minister or on any political party.

“There is time to strip Mr. Rajapaksa of his civic rights. But action should be first taken against the culprits identified by PRECIFAC as having misappropriated public funds,” he said.

The MP said if the High Court convicted any politician and sentenced him or her to a six-month jail term he or she would not be allowed to contest any election or vote for seven years. (Ajith Siriwardana)


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