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Steep drop in grave crimes: Sagala

The number of grave crimes reported last year has plummeted by 14,991 when compared with 2014, said Law and Order Minister Sagala Ratnayake.

He told a public meeting on Wednesday at Kirulapone that 35,971
grave crimes were reported last year and that 28,002 or 78% of them were solved.

The minister said 50,962 grave crimes had been reported in 2014 with only 29,396 or 58% of them being solved.

“Among the reported crimes, 96% cases of physical abuse, 73% property offences and 93% cases of murder were solved. Also, 97% of underage abuse cases, which had taken place with the consent of the victim, were solved while another 95% that taken place without the consent of the victims was solved last year.

"As a whole, the police have been able to solve more than 95% of women rape incidents, over 97% of child abuse cases and 91% of child abduction cases. While 95% of the riots had been solved last year and this is a 22% increase compared to 2014,” he said. (Thilanka Kanakarathna)


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