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Ridiculing our saviour is an ungrateful act: Ranjan

The incumbent President who was referred to as our saviour and only hope on January 8, 2015 is now being ridiculed by some of our ungrateful ministers and MPs, something that I do not condone at all, said the Deputy Minister of Social Welfare and Up Country
Development Ranjan Ramanayake, speaking at the Mathalaya in Attanagalla on Tuesday (16).

Certain derogatory names had been used when referring to the President by these groups and in my opinion it is not right to make use of him and then toss him aside.

Mr. Ramanayake said the UNP, which he represents, consisted of those who were alleged to be involved in the Central Bank bond scam which took place recently in a report put out by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) which was appointed by the President to look into irregularities that took place in the issuance of treasury bonds in 2015 and 2016.

The Deputy Minister further said that showing gratitude is a virtue that should be present in any party and regretted that this quality was found to be at somewhat of a low level inside the UNP. (Pushpakumara Mallawarachchi)


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