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Ravi’s request to make special statement in parliament rejected

Speaker Karu Jayasuriya has rejected the request made by UNP MP Ravi Karunanayake to deliver a special statement in Parliament based on standing orders.

The former Finance Minister had said on Monday (22) that he will make a special statement in parliament regarding the controversial
Central Bank treasury bond scam.

Karunanayake, who has been accused of giving false evidence to the commission, has claimed that the contents in the final report of the Presidential Commission on the Central Bank Bond issue had been distorted.

The report refers to the allegation against former Finance Minister Karunanayake regarding the payment of rent for the penthouse apartment which belongs to the Aloysius Family and their Walt and Rowe Company.

It recommended that the government should take necessary action against Mr. Karunanayake under the section of bribery and corruption and further legal action under the penal codes for giving false evidence at the Commission.


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