CaFFE executive director Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon says it appears that the Supreme Court determination gives 797 days remaining for the presidency of Maithripala Sirisena, although he (Tennakoon) had gone to courts pointing out that it was only 693 days.
The SC ruling means the presidential election can be put off until
22 March 2020, says Tennakoon.
He was responding to a question posed by us if his intention of going to courts over the matter has been fulfilled to his satisfaction.
The SC ruling upholds my stand that the presidency’s term is five years, but it does not say when president Sirisena’s term begins, on 08 January or 22 April, he said, adding that his intention has not been fulfilled entirely.
The president has been given 104 more days for his term, according to the CaFFE executive director.
Therefore, president Sirisena should consult the SC again and get a decision if he has 693 days or 797 days remaining, he said.
He added that president Sirisena has had only eight months reduced, not only year, from his term.
Maithri’s term increased by 104 days?
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