The person alleged to have threatened Anika Wijesuriya, known as Shanil Nettikumara is not a relative said MP Ravi Karunanayake adding that if the Additional Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda proves that he is related to Karunanayake, he would resign from his MP post, he said in parliament yesterday (07).
Karunanayake raising an issue of breach of his parliamentary
privileges said if the Additional Solicitor General is unable to prove his allegation, he should apologize to the Treasury Commission.
He further added, “My privileges have been breached due to the statement made by the Additional Solicitor General Yasantha Kodagoda to the Treasury Commission on October 07, which was the last day of the Commission.
According to the complaint lodged by the older brother of Anika Wijesuriya, Wijitha Wijesuriya, she had received death threats and this had led to her having to leave the country.
However, I have no connection to the person mentioned in this matter, Shanil Nettikumara. If he proves his allegation, I will resign from my MP post, but if he fails to prove it, he should apologize to the Treasury Commission for intentionally misleading the Commission,” Karunanayake said.
Ravi K will leave MP post?
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