Rs. 3,213 million of Gulf War compensation for Sri Lankans still remains unpaid as the Bureau of Foreign Employment has been unable to find the claimants.
Rs. 251 million had so far been paid to 88,875 Sri Lankans as compensation, after the UN compensation commission received
applications in December 1994 from 94,820 out of 120,000 Sri Lankans affected when Iraq invaded Kuwait four years earlier.
The Kuwait compensation division of the Bureau says it had received 308 million US dollars to pay the compensation.
Payments to 948 that remain outstanding have grown to the present amount together with the bank interest.
From that compensation fund, Rs. 1,000 million had been given to the treasury in 2016.
The 2017 budget has set aside Rs. 2,000 million to set up a pension scheme for expatriate workers.
Gulf war compensation claimants not found!
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