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Sudden Raid At The Hospital Ward Where Weeratunga, Palpita and Duminda Silva Are Treated: Two Mobiles, Sim Cards Recovered

Two mobile phones and several sim cards have been recovered from the ward of the Prison Hospital where former Secretary to the President Lalith Weeratunga , former TRC Director General Anusha Palpita and former Parliamentarian Duminda silva are treated.

The Prison Department sources said the raid was conducted following directives by Prison Reforms and Resettlement Minister D.M. Swaminathan.
They said it was not clear whether the recovered mobile phones and the sim cards had been used by the two 'VIP prisoners'.

Earlier, the Prison Reforms Minister announced that the recommendation of three doctors was necessary to admit a prisoner to the Prison Hospitals.

By the time the minister issued the order, Weeratnga and Palpita, two high-profile prisoners jailed last week over the 'sil redi' case, were already in the Prison Hospital.


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