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New ploy to put off PC polls!

Parliament will today (20) debate the provincial councils (amendment) draft bill that raises representation of women nominees at PC polls to 30 per cent, party leaders decided at a meeting yesterday.

The decision was taken after the Supreme Court’s determination
that a referendum was needed to pass the 20th amendment to the constitution.

Two bills will not be debated

Party leaders also decided not to take up for debate the draft bills on the 20th amendment and the international convention for the protection against enforced disappearances.

However, there is an allegation the amendments to the PC act will be debated today in order to put off the PC polls.

CaFFE executive director Keerthi Tennakoon and national organizer of the National Election Monitoring Centre Saranga Harischandra have written to the secretary to the prime minister, attorney general, Legal Draftsman’s Department and the secretary to the Provincial Councils Ministry urging no room for a postponement of the election.

In the letter, they allege a government move to pass the amendment at the committee stage, without a two-third parliamentary majority or a mandate at a referendum.

They note that no act had been passed outside a SC ruling previously.

Elections will not be put off – PM

LG elections under a mixed electorate system - PM

However, PM Ranil Wickremesinghe told parliament yesterday the government had no need to postpone elections.

Noting that it took time to properly organize the election arrangements, he said the local government polls could be held in January.

Also, a decision has been taken to hold LG elections under a mixed electorate system that has been agreed upon by a majority of parties and that will not cause injustice to any party, he said.


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