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By 2030 there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish – Champika Ranwaka

Minister of Megapolis and Western Development Patali Champika Ranawaka stated that there will be a greater mass of plastic waste in the ocean than the mass of aquatic life by 2030.

Minister Ranawaka expressed these sentiments while attending a campaign held yesterday (15) to clear the Dehiwala beach of all the
improperly disposed waste. This campaign was held to beautify the Dehiwala beach and make the beach-strip a clean and attractive location once again.

It was also reported that the coastal belt of Sri Lanka is polluted by several streams, rivers and canals that flow into the ocean contaminated by polythene waste. Minister Ranawaka further stated that the concentrated contamination of the coastal belt will further diminish the aquatic resources that surround the island.

Minister Ranawaka further stressed that the ill-effects of global warming will further worsen the coastal problems that the island is currently faced with.


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