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No truth to claims of hurting Indian bike sales

The finance ministry says there is no basis to reports in certain media that the intention of reducing import duty on motorcycles was to hurt sales of Indian motorcycles.

The 90 per cent duty on motorcycles with less than 150 cc engine
capacity has been reduced.

Rectified a market policy anomaly

A ministry spokesman told Sri Lanka Mirror that the measure rectified a market policy anomaly.

The previous method of deciding the tax on the motorcycle’s value caused a high price for Japanese-imported motorcycles, he said.

He said the general duty applied is Rs. 1,000 per one cc of the engine capacity.

Also, the production tax on small lorries has been brought down by around Rs. 300,000, he said.

No change in the prices of Indian motorcycles

Meanwhile, the Lanka Vehicle Importers Association says there will be no change in the prices of Indian motorcycles.

The tax reduction will result in only the large scale importation of Japanese motorcycles in the future, its president Indika Sampath Merenchige said.

Also, the prices of small lorries and cabs will decline by around Rs. 300,000, the spokesman added.

The list of Japanese motorcycles with reduced prices


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