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Judge hearing the ‘Sil’ cloth case changed!

The High Court Judge Gihan Gunatillake who was presiding over the case regarding the ‘sil’ cloth incident where Rs. 6 million from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission Fund was utilised for the propaganda project of Mahinda Rajapaksa during the
previous Presidential election, has been transferred to another Court.

Recently, a group of lawyers had requested Chief Justice Priyasad Depp to transfer Judge Gihan to another Court.

The case pertaining to the Sil cloth incident against the former President’s Secretary Lalith Weeratunge and Director General of the TRC Anusha Pelpita  was heard before Judge Gihan.

The final verdict of the case is due shortly.

However, when Sri Lanka Mirror inquired from the President of the Sri Lanka Lawyers’’ Association U.R. de Silva, he said information cannot be revealed yet.

He said he would be able to comment on this issue after August 30.


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