The Outreachers Benevolent Society has launched a project with a projected budget of Rs. 783,455 to provide supplies to 82 schoolchildren in rural areas.
These children are students of three schools in Balangoda - Bowatta Vidyalaya, Mulgama Vidyalaya and Watawala Vidyalaya.
The Outreachers Benevolent Society is a faith-based charity formed
by graduates of Sri Jayewardenepura University to respond to education development through community-based integrated projects.
It has opened an account (no. 75289597) at the Gampaha branch of Bank of Ceylon to which well-wishers could contribute donations.
Based at Thalapathpitiya in Nugegoda, the charity has previously provided supplies worth more than Rs. 1.6 million to four rural schools.
Charity seeks donations for school supplies project
Gossip Lanka Hot News